Saturday, October 31, 2009

Just a few things...

1. My Grandma Reeter ordered curtains for our livingroom and we hung them this morning....I'm soooo pleased with them. Nothing fancy, but they make the apartment feel more "homey".....(pictures coming soon!)

2. It's seems like every year, when the deadline comes for turning in my Christmas list, I have nothing to ask for. This year however, my list seems to go on and on....Nothing extravagant, just those everyday things. There is one item I need help with what it's called....We really need one of those fabric tube/bag things that holds walmart sacks (or any sack for that matter)....Any suggestions as to what they are called?/?

3. I have to get this off my chest.......I have a crush on 2 of the professional dancers from DWTS. Derek Hough *sigh* and Mark Ballas.......And as I was making this post, I looked up some fun facts about them and get this.....Derek's sister Julianne Hough is also a dancer and has been on DWTS.....AND Derek and Mark I guess are good friends and formed a band in 2005 called Almost Amy, which I will be checking out....(This is my first year as an avid DWTS fan, so if you already knew about this past bullet point....please disregard).



As we watch the episodes (yes, R watches occasionally), I think I say I want our son to be a dancer like Mark or Derek about 3-4 times. I just l.o.v.e watching those guys dance, but I don't think R is too keen on the idea yet.

4. I'm really looking forward to next weekend. My aunt Theresa and I have our overnight scrapbooking weekend. We will be staying in a hotel from Fri-Sun....scrapbooking the whole time in the hotel ballroom, along with 42 other croppers....Hopefully that will help me get through the week :)

5. So, tonight at work for every new account we opened, we would receive $1 + a piece of candy (and the candy may also award you more money....if you choose the right one). Since I began working at Von Maur, about a month ago, I have yet to open an account and guess I DID!!! Woo Hoo, I won a dollar I won a dollar....but of course, the candy I pulled out did NOT have additional money attached..... :(

Also tonight at work, a guy about my age, bought a Coach watch for his girlfriend for her birthday. Price tag: $500. As I was making small talk while ringing him up, I asked when her birthday was. He followed by saying, "It's actually tonight. I bought her a coach handbag a couple days ago, but she didn't have anything to open today. So I'm getting her this watch." AHHH....a Coach purse AND watch......can we say "keeper!" He said she was out with her friends and he was going to give her the watch later tonight.....what a sweet guy!

6. And finally, most of you may have heard...Ryan was in a car accident this past week and totalled his car. He's fine, but that made us short a vehicle which is really a nuisance when we each have our own separate places to be at the same time. So last night after work we test drove a vehicle in El Paso before heading to Pontiac to get my parents old van. I don't think we are going to buy the car. We will be using my red car and the green van until something else comes along. Fingers crossed!

Happy Halloween

"I'm not a ghost, I'm a marshmallow" -Dewey, Malcolm in the Middle


Anonymous said...

awwww i saw that episode well grace told me as i was at my first dance!! aww yea of coourse i danced with some boys they were just beggen to dance with me love ya peace!


Julie S. said...

Sorry to hear about the car situation :( that stink, but good thing your hubby is ok!