Thursday, June 23, 2011

the bachelorette 101

Dear ABC,

Why do you always suck me in to watch another show about people trying to find love while on a reality show and competing against 20 others? Really, i don't understand?

-Confused Reality TV Junky

So now that i have invested so much time watching it, i better give you my take on the 'winners' who deserve a rose.

#1 pick from the beginning - J.P.

construction manager from NY, enough said...

#2 & #3 squeak by each week - Ben F. and Constantine

i think it's the hair.....

(side note: ashley do you remember a time when we were younger, can't remember where we were, and a guy came to the door with a pony tail to his waist, wrapped in about 20 hair things and we said we hated it?? can't say i like it now, but i'm digging these flowing locks)

#4 has grown on me since his 1-on-1 date - Ames

i believe he is the most genuine guy there and he makes me laugh every episode...

monday can't come soon enough....

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Lol no, I don't remember that!! haha
I can't imagine why we wouldn't have liked it, doesn't everyone dream of french kissing/French braiding their partner?? Gross.