Monday, October 27, 2008

Night Class Stinks!!!

So I couldn't think of a name for this post and thought I would say what I was thinking at the moment. I have a Monday night class that goes from 6-850 p.m. and it's sooooo hard to pay attention and stay awake. The class is an Adult Special Populations class. I will admit, we are learning about interesting topics, but the teacher needs to think of a better way to teach and keep her students attention....

(me at around 6:05 p.m.) that rant....
So it seems as if all of our excitement happened in September with numerous birthdays and school updates. As for recently, not too much has gone on. I think there is 5 more weeks left of school and we will be done! Yay! :) I'm currently working on finding a place to do my internship in the spring. I've been trying to get ahold of a couple places, but no one has gotten back to me yet.....Our teacher wants this decision made by I need to get on it, times ticking.......

COGS UPDATE: Last friday our high school football team played Byron. I traveled to the game with the Varsity team. Luckily, when I got there the rain had stopped and I was the only dry trainer on the sidelines.....The entire field was a big puddle of mud. Our team wore their white jersey's and after the first play of the game, the numbers were unreadable (hmmm...i think i just made up a word, but you get what I mean) So our regular season record is (7-2). Saturday night the pairings were announced for Playoffs. The Cogs will be going up against Hampshire (6-3) on Halloween night. When I got to clinicals today, all of the players had bleeched their hair this weekend.....hope we make it far because I'm not looking forward to multiple basketball games a week (and having bleacher butt....)

This Sunday was the annual Meiner Weiner Roast in Colfax, IL. I'm sad to say Ryan and I were unable to make it. I SO would have rather been there than at work. Ashley posted a few pics from the day. And I have to vote her and Michael as "Dork's of the Week".....these pics explain it ALL!

***G-ma and G-pa gave them these shirts from a veterinary conference in Vegas...I think they are acting like they got LeAnn Rimes to sign their ticket.........BIG "L" on the forehead!! :)....thanks for the pics ashley***

So a little off the topic (but isn't this whole post?) I can't believe it was snowing this weekend....WiNtEr is coming!!! I can't wait to get Christmas decorations out, drive down the snowy streets to look at Christmas lights, and bake cookies with Judy and my sisters (and a little help from Ryan)!!!

As much as I love the winter season, I can't wait until next summer for the fact that I will finally be a College Graduate (woo hoo), I will be getting married and becoming Emily Ellen Sweitzer (236 days and counting), and of course getting a tan! I came across these pictures of us from when we visited our friends in the hospital when their little girl, Lily, was born.

Man do I wish I was that TAN now!!!!

I know I'm a dork, but the previous picture makes me miss Glik's (my old job). We had bought Lily some outfits from there and I recognize the wrapping paper :(

R.I.P. Glik's Clothing Store

1 comment:

Ashley said...

LOL, random posts = my favorite

And that ticket is SO real. That was the best concert ever, hands down. You must be jealous that only Michael and I got to go!