Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So long...Farewell

Sunday was my last day at Steak 'n Shake! I can't believe I have worked there for a year. Last fall I was working at Starbusters and hating it. Ryan told me he could get me a job at Steak 'n Shake. Thanks so much for the help hunny! Now I need to buckle down with school these last couple of weeks and then home sweet home.

what a sexy uniform!

my last bin of silverware....oddly, this was my favorite part of sidework!

Everyone would ask if it was weird to work with my boyfriend, but I loved it! We are always so busy and it's hard to find time to hang out. Even tho we were at work, we got to spend time together. It also made me not dread going to work as much because I knew he would be there with me!.....oh and if I didn't want to work I would beg him to go in :)

We have made some great friends at Steak 'n Shake. I'm going to miss movie/chicken melt (no tomato)/milk lady, sunday night/TSK (triple steakburger)/large cheese fry/coffee guy, diet coke with lemon/veg. beef soup extra crackers/single steakburger well done with bacon lady, and of course, my $3 tipper guy who only dine's-in when I'm there....creepy!! ahahaha......ohhhh, the steak 'n shake usuals! :)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Aww, so long S&S!!

I don't know what you're talking about. Those uniforms WERE sexy.