Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lots & Lots to Report

I've been a little MIA with my posts. So here goes everything.....

First off, R and I made name frames for our relatives a couple years ago, which were a hit. Since then we have made some for wedding gifts, had a couple orders from friends, and made one for our escort card table at our wedding. This year, our business is booming! We have already made 8 and are in the process of making 7 more. Just wanted to share some pictures of the ones we've made so far.

This year, just like every year, we were to attend 4 Thanksgivings. And we only got to 2 (well 2 1/2). We ate lunch with my mom's side at my Grandma's house, supper at my mother-in-laws, and stopped by R's grandparents to say hi. It's so nice to see family, but so hard to get to each place. This year we are celebrating the Meiner Christmas on the 20th, so we will be able to make it up to them the whole day! :) Here are a few pictures from the Reeter Thanksgiving. My aunt Maria has a Great Dane named Ellie. Notice how hu-mungo she is!!
Please excuse the butt shot.......just wanted you to compare her to the chair!
Christmas is my favorite holiday and this is our first Christmas as a married couple. I was so excited to put up OUR Christmas tree. Judy had given us a tree from Greg's parents. We brought it home the day after Thanksgiving and that night went to Wal-mart to buy the essential decorations......tree skirt, ball ornaments, lights, star, the works....and Ryan wasn't complaining! So we got in the car (by this time it was around 11 p.m.) and he said do you want to put up the tree tonight?/? WHAT! Of Course I do!!!!!! R put on Christmas music that I had been begging him to download and we were ready to decorate. We started by organizing the branches. First came the 10 long brown, then 10 green, 8 blue...so on and so on.....finally the box was empty, branches were all over my living room, and NO CENTER POLE!!! Nooooooo..... We had to end the night with no tree. The next day we told Judy and she looked for it and had no luck. She gave us her old tree because she knows how important it is to have a Christmas tree :)
Christmas Tree Set-Up Day #2:
So Sunday I worked 1-6 and couldn't wait to get home so we could try again. We had no direction as to where the branches went on the pole, so it was a guessing game.
After all levels were up (minus a couple branches in the back of the tree), we stood back and I felt like the tree was being hugged in the middle....So we flip-flopped two levels, but that made it worse! So back to original places they went. Also, I thought I had run out of lights at the end and stretched the last strand, but then found another package that someone had put on the other side of the room (not mentioning names.....ryan) Ugh..after fixing that we were ready to begin the ribbon and ornaments. That part went pretty smooth compared to everything else.
R put the star on the top & ladies and gentlemen, I give you our tree...........

My clean/festive/cozy livingroom :)
This tree, like real trees, left needles all over the floor. While vacuuming, we ended the night with one more unexpected road block....I blew a fuse. Of course!

Next on my list of things to share with the world......my dreams last night.

#1: I was pregnant! I believe the dream started out in my grandparents cabin in MN (which of course doesn't look like their cabin at all, but it is!) and I wasn't feeling well. Then R and I were at a hospital where my dad was the guy who passed out the prego tests. Not to be too graphic, but I was to pee in a shot glass looking thing and if it turned purple that was a positive test...Not sure what that dream was saying, but I can assure you we aren't having a baby.

#2: So a couple posts ago, I had let out a secret of mine about having crushes on a couple professional dancers. Well dream #2 included them both and I was dancing with Mark....*sigh*....and that's all I've been talking about today. Mark this and Mark that...ahhah...I Love You Ryan!! (oh yes and that's something I really, really, really want for Christmas, Ballroom Dance Lessons for R & I!!!!!)

----Back when I wrote that post, R told me I couldn't have crushes on other guys. And I told him as long as they were famous people and we didn't stand a chance. He continued to say well then I have a crush on Natalie Portman. So, I'm making it public.....Ryan likes Natalie-----

Lastly, here are some pictures of R's car....RIP

I'm so glad he was alright.....


Julie S. said...

I love your tree! Brandon has been working so we haven't had time to put ours up yet, but hopefully soon!

The Elliotts said...

Those name frames that you guys make are really cool..what a great idea! How much are they??