Friday, August 28, 2009

i confess

I love: photography websites....I could waste day after day looking through others wedding photos

I love: drinking ice cold Mt. Dew in the middle of the night

I love: wearing heels on a regular day for no reason

I love: crystal chandelier's and anticipate the day I will own one

I love: Ryan Douglas Sweitzer

I love: black finger nail polish

I love: love stories

I love: reminiscing about the past

I love: decorating for Christmas, but not really any other holiday

I love: being a wife

I love: large purses that can hold way more things than I would need

I love: storms

I love: 1/2 price margarita's

I love: bacon cheeseburger pizza's with lots of ranch :)

I love: taking pictures

I love: hollywood fashion

I love: my family

I love: zesty dill pickles

I love: sunglasses that take over my face

I love: finding a pair of jeans that fit good!

I love: using coupons

I love: getting asked out on dates (by my husband of course!)

I love: sleeping in

I love: acoustic music

I love: jewelry

I love: listening to R tell me stories about when he was a little boy

I love: love, love this video.....everytime I watch it, I laugh even harder.....I think little redheaded boys are a-d-o-r-able .....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Live. Laugh. Love. Lake


Because of all the hoop-la going on....I never got to post a countdown until the greatest place on earth....but have no worries, we made it Minnesota this summer. This year I was no longer a Meiner....there were 2 Sweitzers at the lake :) (here goes another photo novel....)

It wouldn't be a MN vacation without a Baggo Tournament!!
Brotherly love


Here fishy....fishy.....fishy

Apparently it was cold this day.....


Lizzy Jean, the skiing machine :)
If you look closely, you can see Michael going head first into the lake.

Dad kept taking the boys through the weeds....(which the boys wanted)....but I think R got the worst of it.....this picture shows the weeds in his mouth, but what you don't see are the welts on his side because he insisted upon wearing that 1980's life-jacket all week....

Jet Ski football...looks pretty safe.....
Until next year.........