Wednesday, August 12, 2009

jamaica me CRAZY

We took a wonderful Honeymoon to Ocho Rios, Jamaica just hours after our reception. This was Ryan's first airplane ride (well, I guess he had been on one before, but too young to even remember), so the ride to Jamaica was a new experience in itself. Our Flight left at 6:30a.m. on June 21st, so it would have been a waste to get a hotel room to check in and then an hour later check out. So we hired Dewey Sullivan to drive us to O'hare airport. Grandma and Grandpa let us borrow their car. So at 12:30 a.m. I drove my husband and I away from our wedding reception to meet Dewey (full Bride attire and all). He picked us up around 1:30a.m. and off to Chicago we went.

Ashley, Elizabeth, and Grace decorated the getaway vehicle because there was no hotel room to decorate......I loved it! (and no....R didn't wear his tux to the airport, this was pre outfit change)

We were both very tired after a full day of, oh I don't know, Getting Married! So the ride to the airport was really boring for Dewey because we both slept. It was really exciting when he let us out and we were on our own to travel to a different country. But I was proud of us for finding all the right terminals and getting on the right plane, considering every time we travel, we get lost and the trip turns from fun to a fight. Not this time........Jamaica here we come!!!

(tired husband + groom shirt + airplane = HONEYMOON!!!)

We were headed to Montego Bay, Jamaica, where from there we would take a bus ride to Ocho Rios. My parents have been to this same place and gave us the 'insight' for what to expect. Somehow we got lucky and didn't have to ride a 1 hour and 45 min. bus ride to the resort, we rode in an air conditioned car and made it in about 35 min. Lucky ducks...I know....

Foreground: Ryan in the car Background: Others on the bus

It's funny to see a guy getting used to his wedding band. I constantly caught him twirling it around his finger like this. Some pictures I took on purpose and others as you will see I caught by chance. Ring Twirl #1

When we took the turn into the entrance of the RIU I couldn't believe we were FINALLY on our honeymoon....eeek!

Then that excitement took a turn when we had to wait almost 3 hours until our room was ready. We didn't want to make our first day go to waste, so we put on our suits and headed to the beach for a little while before calling it quits for the night. It was so peaceful and relaxing floating in the ocean with my husband.......(ahh...I want to go back!!)

View from our room.......B-E-A-utiful

We were there for 7 days all inclusive, which is the way to go! Free food and drinks the entire time. It was nice not worrying about money. Although, we did spend a good chunk on excursions to Dunn's River Falls, Luminous Lagoon, and of course shopping!!! But it was SO worth it!

Me getting ready to climb the 600 ft. waterfall....Dunn's River Falls

Heading downtown for some shopping......


Ocho Rios and Herman, who personally serenaded us (with one leg).

The next pictures are from the Luminous Lagoon. My parents went on and on about this place when they came back from Jamaica, so we knew we had to see it. The water glows after being disturbed....highly recommend going there!!!!!

While we were waiting for the shuttle we became a hero to this little guy. We saved him as he ventured through the lobby in hopes of making it to the beach. R gave it to some little boys and told them to take it to the shore. They couldn't believe it was real!! we wait for the sun to go down.....

People swimming....can you see the glow?

I was sitting back by the motor....amazing!!

We also were down there when the King of Pop died. It was so weird, we watched his show Tuesday night and found out Thursday night he had passed away. And the guy that impersonates Michael was the same guy who instructed my beach aerobics that morning! Weird....

(I'm under the left side of the umbrella, with the aqua butt......Michael is in red trunks)

If you look close the bartenders are wearing our white wedding bracelets.....They loved them :)

We had such a great time and couldn't have asked for a better Honeymoon. We truly felt like we were in Paradise! We would both go back in a heartbeat :)

What a stud....ha

Pictures on the beach....#4

Our first photo shoot on the beach.....

Every time I look at this picture it makes me laugh....I took so many pictures of R on the beach and didn't even realize that he had pizza sauce on his chin! ahahha.....i love him.

We played bingo about every night and never had any luck....UNTIL the last night when R broke our losing streak.....Prize: Bottle of Rum


Our second beach photo shoot:


Here are some detail pictures of the Resort......

Jerk Hut on the beach.....Mmm.....

Every morning at breakfast there was a watermelon carved in the shape of something tropical....

R woke up one morning to capture the sunrise and took numerous beautiful pictures.....
The Resort had two pools, each with a swim-up bar.

haha......I love how awkward this picture is to me. He reminds me of a little boy learning how to float on his back...trying to keep his head out of the water.....I'm so glad my husband makes me smile :)

One side of the resort had an infinity pool.

On our way back to our room one evening we stumbled upon ring toss in the lobby for more Rum.....of course we took part!

Yay!!! I won something too!!!
Time to head home.....
Peace. One Love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post! Looks like an amazing place to honeymoon. Love the fiddle-with-ring count. I noticed a couple more fiddlerings up in MN!
....Aunt Sheila