Friday, August 28, 2009

i confess

I love: photography websites....I could waste day after day looking through others wedding photos

I love: drinking ice cold Mt. Dew in the middle of the night

I love: wearing heels on a regular day for no reason

I love: crystal chandelier's and anticipate the day I will own one

I love: Ryan Douglas Sweitzer

I love: black finger nail polish

I love: love stories

I love: reminiscing about the past

I love: decorating for Christmas, but not really any other holiday

I love: being a wife

I love: large purses that can hold way more things than I would need

I love: storms

I love: 1/2 price margarita's

I love: bacon cheeseburger pizza's with lots of ranch :)

I love: taking pictures

I love: hollywood fashion

I love: my family

I love: zesty dill pickles

I love: sunglasses that take over my face

I love: finding a pair of jeans that fit good!

I love: using coupons

I love: getting asked out on dates (by my husband of course!)

I love: sleeping in

I love: acoustic music

I love: jewelry

I love: listening to R tell me stories about when he was a little boy

I love: love, love this video.....everytime I watch it, I laugh even harder.....I think little redheaded boys are a-d-o-r-able .....

1 comment:

Julie S. said...

I love a lot of those things as well, especially big handbags and zesty pickles!