Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dress Shopping

The wedding planning has been stalled recently because we have been extremely busy with work and school. We finally had a couple days off work and I decided I needed to go dress shopping again. I called David's Bridal and set up an appointment this past Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. So Judy, Aunt Theresa, and Grandma Reeter met at my house and we were off to Peoria. Right before walking in I got a text from Ashley (MOH) that said her plans changed and she was on here way over. (YAY! I was excited.) We weren't even there 5 minutes and we were getting in trouble. I was giving the lady my information and she told me to ask "my ladies" not go through the dresses. (It wasn't like they were going through the rows of dresses; they were just looking at the ones on the mannequin’s.) Then Erin our consultant took us to the dressing room and started pulling the dresses we wanted to see. The first couple of dresses felt and looked very cheap. They started to get better towards the end, but still no luck on "the one." Finally, the last one ended up being the best out of the night. I can't say what it looked like, or post a picture, because Ryan will read this and it's bad luck for him to see or even have a slight idea of what it looks like. So trust me it was pretty :) Elizabeth had my camera and would snap a bunch of pictures every time I came out of the dressing room. Since I was getting my picture taken a lot, I wanted to get one of the couch.

They were GREAT help!!

When looking through the pictures, Elizabeth said "Oh, and there are some personal one's." So I thought I would share them..

It ended up being a good time and thanks to everyone who came.

I was planning on hanging out with the family the next day before heading back to school, but decided last minute to take my mom to the Bridal Elegance in Bloomington and hopefully show her the one's we liked from the Bridal Elegance in Ottawa. Kym had the day off, so her and Grandma Reeter came too! This trip ended up being the BEST one so far. They didn't have the same selection from Ottawa, so I couldn't show my mom those, but I did try on new ones and every dress was BEAUTIFUL. I might have found "the one" there. I have such a tough decision ahead....

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