Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend Update

The big race was Saturday and I placed 5th. So no money off my dress, which stinks, but I did win a free night stay at The Chateau Hotel in Bloomington. So it was worth the embarrassment. :) Here are some pictures from the day...

The sign Ashley made....which said "Run Emily Run"
(there is a bride on the left of the sign, wearing a veil and tennis shoes!)

Kym and Ashley clamping up the back of the dress, hopefully making it easier to run!

Ryan came to support me...even tho he knows I'm REALLY slow!
The competition

My brother videotaped the race on his phone. It is SO funny! As soon as we start running you can hear the crowd scream for their bride. We had to run the perimeter of the parking lot twice and on the first turn 2 girls in front of me "ate it!" I had to pretty much jump over them. One of the girls who fell quit right then and the other girl ended up in 2nd place. Which shows that I'm really slow if the girl who fell beat me. I saw one of them after the race and her arm was torn up and bleeding. (I guess that's why we had to sign a liability form!) Oh and if you saw the pantagraph on Sunday I'm in one of the pictures. It looks like I'm smiling or laughing, which my family tells me I shouldn't have been doing....I needed to be focused!

After the race I showed "my fans" the dresses that I liked at the store, with the exception of Ryan and Reagan who were playing outside. (Thanks Reagan for not letting Ryan see me) The girls wanted to try on dresses so we spent the rest of the morning looking at bridesmaid and jr. bridesmaid dresses. And I'm thrilled because we found "the one's." (My sisters are happy too because the dress comes in their sizes as well!)

Later that day we had a wedding reception to go to in Lexington. Angie Coop, my old boss at Glik's, got married in Jamaica on the 17th and then had the reception here once they got back. She looked beautiful and I'm so happy for her! Oh and we took a couple pictures before going to the reception, but I would look good and ryan would look bad or vice I decided not to share any...Sorry!!

Sunday we ate lunch with Ryan's family who had come to the States to visit. It was great to finally put faces to the names. We didn't get to visit with them for that long because we needed to get back to Dekalb for work. So hopefully they will come to Pontiac again and we will be able to spend more time with them.

This weekend was a BLAST and every time we have to start that almost 2 hr trip back to Dekalb I get upset. I can't wait for this coming Fall Semester to be over with, so we can move back home. December can't come fast enough!!

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