Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Rhys!!

Today my brother turns 16!! He was born on a rainy summer day in 1992. Michael and I were at grandma and grandpa reeter's house with grandpa. Grandma Reeter was already at the hospital. When grandpa got the call for us to come to the hospital he realized we didn't have any rain gear (it was summer). So since I was bigger than Michael, grandpa gave me one of his jackets to wear. Michael definitely couldn't fit in grandpa's coat considering he was only 3 years old, so grandpa cut a hole in a grocery sack and put his arms through the bag handles. We were a site to see, let me tell ya! When we got to the hospital we saw our new baby brother, Rhys. We were so excited to expand our family to five. Happy Birthday Rhys! We love you!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I am requesting a new post! I like Rhys and all, but I would like something new to look at when I come to your blog :) :)