Saturday, August 16, 2008

MN '08

We had a blast this vacation. Wish we could have spent more time with the family, but the days we were all together were great! Here are some pictures from the trip...

Ashley, Elizabeth, Grace, Me

Ryan and Zach found a dead Loon washed up on the shore. This is the first time Grandma and Grandpa had seen this. So Grandpa checked to see if he had choked on a fish, but his throat was clear. It's a Mystery?

Fishing Trip.....I'm pretty sure the girls caught more than the boys.

Dropping Anchor

Ryan tossing Michael the ski rope

Grace the little water bug!

Ryan getting ready to attempt the wake board


Ashley/Zach VS. William/Dad


Grandpa/Uncle Steve VS. William/Dad

If you look closely you can see through Grandpa......What was weird is that it was like this in every picture I took......creepy

If you want to see some more great photos of the boys tubing, us on the water and the multiple games we played (including sequence, black jack tourney, and bag-o) check out ashley's blog...From A to Z

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