Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wedding Rehearsal

Our Rehearsal Dinner took place at the Patterson Ranch, which is a friend of Ryan's family. It was the perfect location for a casual/fun get together. The only slight damper to the night was the rain, but we got through it and had a wonderful night (which included a rainbow and beautiful sunset)

Our Matron of Honor (ashley) & Best Man (paul) signing the marriage license.

Eating Yummy Avanti's


Uncle Bill teaching my sisters how to tap a keg....they became experienced 21 year olds by the end of the night....

....our MOH & BM sportin' the wedding wristbands.... :)

Elizabeth jumping into the picture of my dad.....haha...

All my girls

Ending the night with the father-of-the-bride and groomsmen letting off fireworks....extremely safe.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great family and friends getting together can make the weather seem trivial! Looks like a great time!
Aunt Debbie