Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Sorry about the last birthday post...I'm still trying to get used to this different blog template. I 'cross-my heart and hope-to-die' that the post looked good on my end of things.....

Oh...and just wanted to let everyone know I got a new job! Starting Monday you can find me behind the jewelry counter at Von Maur. I know it's not taping ankles or stretching tight hamstrings, but it will pay the bills!

* * *

Ryan (while re-arranging our cupboards): "Hey Emily, where did all of our Looney Tunes glasses go?"

Me: "They should be up there. How many do you see?"

Ryan: "Only Four!"

Me: "Only Four???? I think that's 4-TOO many."

I'm blessed to have these beautiful glasses in my cupboard (gag). Be Jealous....

1 comment:

Ashley said...

L O L to the Looney Tunes Cups......... I sooo feel your pain!! We have a giant, glass Pirates of the Caribbean cup from 1995 Disney that a member of my house refuses to get rid of.

I want to see you guys soon!! Wiener Roast???