Monday, September 7, 2009

Guess what today is?/

Clue #1: Yesterday Ryan and I drove up to Pontiac.....

Clue #2: Cards were signed/hiddenly passed around....

Clue #3: Something exciting happened 50 years ago.....

(do you know what it is yet??)

Clue #4: A cake was involved.....

Clue #5: A traditional song was sung.....

Clue #6: The best father in the world was surprised....

TODAY my dad turns 50!!!

Yesterday we celebrated my dad's birthday with a cookout at the Martin's. My dad didn't want anything special so we spent a relaxing evening pool side with friends. It turned out to be a beautiful afternoon.

My dad is truly the best dad in the world.....but I guess I'm a little bias. He loves his family unconditionally and has done so much for my husband and I. He knows how to have a good time and I don't know how many times I've heard my friends say how awesome my dad is. (That says alot for you YOUNG people think you're kinda cool)

Hope you have a wonderful day! We love you!!

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Emily!! You're becoming a really good photographer! I love the diving board shots!