Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday!

So....I totally forgot to give a shout out to my dad who turned 49 on Sept. 8th. I sent him a text at work in the morning and talked to him that night on the phone, but never announced it to everyone.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY! He is the best dad in the world. One of my favorite stories about him and I that my mom told me is when us three lived in Bloomington, my mom would go shopping and when she came home my dad and I would be eating chopped up hotdogs with ketchup and we would be watching Wrestling on TV. I don't know why my mom didn't take me with her shopping?/?

I hate to admit it, but my dad is pretty funny. Last weekend when I was home we were all in the kitchen after the football game and we hear "click, click, click" and in comes my dad with a full football referee uniform on. He had the black and white hat and shirt, the socks, shoes, and TIGHT white pants. All of us died laughing. I had no idea he was going to be a ref for the JFL games on Saturday. We thought everything looked great except for the REAL tight pants. He was practicing his ref moves in the kitchen and would include a wedgie pick every so often. My mom ended up going to Wal-mart in the morning and got him some plain black athletic shorts. He looked pretty good out there.

My dad is always thinking of others and loves to have a good time. I feel pretty lucky to have such a free spirited father. My friends love hanging out with bobby! I can remember when I was younger and the "cool" thing to do was to put lemon juice in our hair to make it look like we had highlights. So on vacation, Patsy, Christina, my Dad and I were all down in the water squirting lemon juice in our hair....ahhah...who's dad does that?....MINE :) ....He loves going to the lake, just like all of us Meiner's do. A couple of years ago he taught Ryan how to fillet fish. Thanks!! I know Ryan loves that he knows how to do it!

He's a kid at heart and loves to be "hip." My friends ask me if he can still do a flip out of his ski's when getting whipped into shore and I'm happy to tell them "YEP!

I was a cheerleader during 7th and 8th grade at St. Mary's and one home game our coach wasn't going to be there. So my Dad ended up being our coach. Before the game started he got us in a huddle and gave us a pep talk. At the end of his spiel he said "Hands In." All of us girls looked at each other like, what?/? So we all put our hands in (giggling of course) and said 1-2-3 SAINTS!

I love this picture of Dad and his buddy snoozing at Christmas. Oh and if you ask dad who his favorite kid is, he'll tell you Paul Bunyan (our dog)! If you know Paul Bunyan, you know that if he's let out of his cage you CANNOT catch him. He's crazy. So this one day, he got out of his cage and we trapped him in the basement. I forget which siblings were with me, but we could not get him for the life of us. So we called my dad, stood at the top of the basement stairs, put my dad on speaker phone and had him call for Paul Bunyan. All it took was "Come here Paul..." and sure enough he came right to the top of the stairs.....we couldn't believe it. I guess he'll listen to the person who feeds and takes care of him the most!

Okay, one last story about my dad before I go. My dad never eats breakfast and barely eats lunch. So one day at work he told all of his co-workers that he used to be fat when he was little. They didn't believe him because my dad isn't big at all. He told them with a straight face, "Yes I was, and all the kids would call me Blob instead of Bob." They thought that was soooo horrible. I would too, if it was REAL!.....ahahha......So Happy Birthday Blob! Ryan and I love you!


Unknown said...

Oh, Emily - this was so much fun to read - we could have a whole "blog" of "Blob" stories - he really is ...uh.... special -and he has made me laugh many times! He does love all of you kids a lot, but I agree that he is partial to Paul. My favorite Bob story has something to do with a KFC box on top of his car, and your mom had just as much fun with that one! Thanks for sharing this special story - you're so sweet! Carole

Unknown said...

I don't believe a word of this. Bob Meiner was one of the biggest, meanest, toughest football players who ever walked the halls of Pontiac High School. And when he went to ISU, he graduated with honors because he spent all of his time at Milner Library. Finally, Bob would never feed his kids hot dogs with ketchup. Everybody who knows Bob knows he is a mustard man from way back and a total health nut when it comes to diet.

I hold these to be true because I'm an honest man.
Mick Peterson