Saturday, September 20, 2008

I Can't Believe William is 14

On September 20th, 1994, the third Meiner boy was born. I think this was the hospital visit where we worn blue hawaiian leis, held signs that said It's A Boy!, and did the cha-cha to the hospital room....ahaha....I can't believe that was 14 years ago. William is a very athletic kid. He plays football, basketball, and baseball. I love watching him play football the most.

William and his three sisters at a football game.

I got to go with William and his class on their 6th grade field trip to Medieval Times. It was fun to go with him because when I was in 6th grade we didn't go there.

The family came up to visit and we went to the skate park. Here is William trying to do a trick.

I thought this picture was funny because during the Sequence Tournament in Minnesota, William and Theresa were on a team and stuck at Table 2 the WHOLE night.....ahaha....And for those of you that are unaware of what Table 2 was, the board was put on a night stand, some of the chairs were stools with no backs and there was no room to put your discards. One corner had the toilet paper container and the other used the top of a box fan. You DID NOT want to sit there. aww...poor william...

Even tho William is ornery and is CONSTANTLY picking on the girls (especially Elizabeth), we still love him and wouldn't know what to do without him.

Happy Birthday William!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Aww poor Table 2!!!

I can't believe he is 14!