Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

So I'm finally seeing light shine through the clouds......I think we have a place to live!! WOO HOO!!

Actually I shouldn't speak too soon, we are in the middle of the application process and will know if we are approved by either tomorrow or Friday. I felt like we would never get to this point. We have been searching, and searching, AND SEARCHING. It seemed like every apartment we would decide on, was sold by the time we contacted the Landlord.

This happened to us again today after we decided on an apartment we walked through last week. We went to the Office to see if we could sign the lease and someone else was already on their way to sign. :( The guy was very nice about it and said that he had a place just open up on Rainbow Drive. We had previously seen apartments on this road and they were very small and not what we were looking for, but figured we didn't have anything to loose. On our way over there, I had tears because I was so upset that we were never going to find our "first" place.

We approached 2202 Rainbow Dr. and entered Apt. 1. To our surprise it was very spacious!!! Before looking further I asked again what the price was and what utilities were included. He said rent was $550 a month and water was paid. We were hoping to have more utilities included with that price. He followed by saying, "I would take 525 because I know your upset about the other apartment." We were surprised and gladly accepted that offer, then continued to look through the apartment. I still can't believe the room sizes in this apartment and was happy to see this place had a dishwasher! Because I have a hunch my small little Maytag's would be doing all the work....

At the end of our tour, Kevin (our tour guide), said you know what....I'll give it to you guys for $500. SOLD!!!!

Later Ryan thought it was pretty crazy he kept going down in price after we said we would probably take it for $ for us :)
There is this silly thing called an application fee per person, which through this agency was $20. We didn't have much cash on us and only had enough for one fee and he said that was fine and he would just take that.......ya...that's right, he took off $50 on rent + only $20 instead of $40 for fees....he's getting married the month after us, so we pretty much bonded last week....either that or he noticed the eyeliner still on my cheek from crying about the first apartment!

So.....fingers crossed and lots of prayers will be said tonight!! And if approved we will have keys June 1st.....that way we can gradually move in before the wedding so when we get back from our Honeymoon everything will be complete. Yay!

Oh and one more youtube video before I go.......On this season of American Idol I have been in LOVE with Adam Lambert, but last season Jason Castro was my man! Here's one of my favorite's from know me and boys with dreads...??....

1 comment:

Ashley said...

L-O-L "you know me and boys with dreads"

Good luck, fingers crossed you get approved!!